Our principle goal as a company is giving the best to babies. For that reason all our garments are made of the ultra-soft organic pima cotton.

Why do we use organic pima cotton?

Babies' skin is sensitive and more vulnerable than the skin of adults.  

Organic pima cotton is a natural fabric and free of synthetic chemicals. These two characteristics make organic cotton the most gentle and safest for babies' delicate skin.  Also, pima cotton is durable and has a natural softness and sheen.  As an added bonus, it's breathable and doesn't retain odor in the same way that conventional cotton can. 

Why organic cotton is good for health?

Organic cotton is not just good for the environment, it’s a healthier alternative to conventional cotton. The Agricultural Health Study has found that there are higher incidences of cancer in chemical-based farms. By maintaining a commitment to sustainability and organic producers we are not only helping the environment, but also protecting the health of farm workers through improved work conditions.

Organic cotton is the best option for babies' skin, especially for newborns. According to a study by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), infants and young children, especially newborns, have a higher risk to absorb chemicals through the skin. One reason is because they have a more permeable skin so they are more prone to absorbing external substances. Furthermore, infants and young children have an increased risk of dermal exposure and absorption due to the surface area-to-body mass ratio (which is elevated in children as compared to teens and adults).

Why organic cotton is good for the environment?

Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and defoliants.  Organic cotton’s farms respect the natural cycle, promote the ecological balance and preserve biodiversity. This includes maintaining the quality of the soil and water, the wildlife and avoiding chemical substances.

On other hand, conventional cotton or chemical cotton depends heavily on pesticides and fertilizers.  According to the Pesticide Action Network UK, “cotton crops cover 2.4% of the world’s cultivated land but use 6% of the world’s pesticides, more than any other single major crop.” 

Organic cotton production is free of toxic chemicals, uses less water, and is less demanding of energy resources. For example, organic cotton uses 62% less energy than conventional cotton and it’s mostly rain-fed 75%-80% in comparison with convention cotton crops.

In conclusion organic cotton is the best for babies, farmers and the environment.